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Pua Kala Sticker
Pua Kala Sticker

Pua Kala Sticker

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Pua Kala // Argemone glauca

Medicinal uses and benefits of Pua Kala:

Endemic to Hawai’i this poppy has similar characteristics to other poppy’s found around the world found in that is has pain relieving properties. Interestingly, the pua kala does not contain any opioids like other members of the poppy family, yet does have some alkaloid properties perfect for the treatments described below.

The seeds and sap of the stalk were used as a narcotic and analgesic for toothaches, neuralgia and ulcers. Sap was also used to treat warts according to la’au lapa’au or Hawaiian herbal medicine.

⁂ Details ⁂

∙ Matte, UV laminated weatherproof & waterproof for up to 3-5 years.

∙ 3” x 3”

∙ Designed and Printed in Hawai'i 

∙ Original Illustration by Chloé Selarque





(Krauss 1993:102)

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