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Giving Back

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Here at Jahier Studio, our values are centered around environmental care, human rights, and compassion. That means uplifting other small local businesses, bolstering native flora and fauna conservation efforts, encouraging land restoration efforts and others causes are always at the forefront of our minds.
We make choices in how our products are made, packaged and shipped to reflect an attitude of mindfulness and aloha. 
Some of our products are dedicated to specific non-profit groups meaning a percentage of sales are donated. Sometimes sales are held to raise monies for fundraisers organized by groups we believe in supporting. 
We strongly believe in caring for one another and giving back whenever we can. It is more important to us that our communities, from land to sea to sky, are healthy.
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As of 2022, we donated to the following: 
The Ma’i Movement 
The Trevor Project 
Hawaiian Music Perpetuation Society
Nā Leo Kākoʻo ‘o Ko’olauloa
Waiwai Collective 
University of Hawai'i 47th Annual Tester Symposium